Work From Home

Working from home is like being given a golden ticket to the chocolate factory – you’re free from the hellish commute, irritating colleagues, and the constant threat of catching the latest office plague. But let’s not kid ourselves, this new work-from-home lifestyle requires a bit of effort. You need to set up a dedicated work area and surround yourself with the best items to turn your work-from-home experience into a productivity paradise that still allows for a healthy work-life balance (i.e., nap time). Lucky for you, we at ThisIsWhyImBroke are all WFH experts – our pajama game is on point – and we’ve created the ultimate list of work-from-home essentials that we personally swear by (or at least use when we’re not napping). We’ve got everything from essential oil diffusers to keep you calm and centered to sit-stand desks to keep your back from turning into a question mark, and of course, coffee makers to keep you fueled and alert (or just buzzed, whatever works for you). We know this list isn’t exactly budget-friendly, but investing in your work environment is a must if you plan on doing this long-term. And who knows, maybe you can even convince your boss to foot the bill – after all, it’s all tax-deductible. But if you’re really pinching pennies, feel free to browse our list and go for the cheaper options. We won’t judge – we’re just happy to help you make your WFH dreams come true.

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